Sharing expertise and providing solutions…
Wellness practitioners listen to your concerns about unexplained aches and pains and the symptoms that doctors cannot identify or explain. They understand that you are tired of taking synthetic medicines that cause you more suffering than the reason causing you to take them.
Parthenia Izzard, Psychologist [CNHP],
Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio

Iridology: a fascinating exploration into health analysis through the iris. Discover how the eye’s colors and patterns can reveal insights about your systemic well-being.

Kinesiology: the scientific study of body movement. Unlock the secrets of human motion, enhance athletic performance, and promote health through advanced biomechanics and exercise physiology.

Nutritional Therapy
Transform your health. Personalized diets and scientifically-backed guidance to nourish your body, prevent diseases, and achieve optimal wellness through targeted nutrition.
Coming Soon… 2024
New Live and Rebroadcast Programs Schedule
Why You Should Listen To Our Broadcast
Have you ever been concerned about unexplained aches and pains and symptoms that doctors cannot identify or explain? Are you tired of taking synthetic medicines that cause you more suffering than the reason causing you to take them?
Why passively exist with backaches, allergies, PMS, colds, flu, and other ailments? Take charge of your life with preventive measures. Our radio broadcast/podcast offers alternatives to traditional medicine.
You can learn about holistic approaches to preventive care. Do not let anyone else tell you that your situation is hopeless!
Through iridology, kinesiology, reflexology, energy medicine (which includes Chi Light therapy), psychological consultations (remote utilizing Bach Floral Essence Remedies, which are similar to homeopathic products), meditation, online psychosocial coaching, and nutrition, we can find a comprehensive solution.
At Alternative Medicine Therapies, we present techniques that can add to the quality of your life.
Become informed and increase your knowledge!
Tune in to Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio…
Each episode features experts in the field of alternative medicine who discuss a wide range of natural, non-invasive therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal remedies, and meditation. By listening to our show, you can discover new therapies to complement your current treatments, stay up-to-date on the latest developments in alternative medicine, and get tips and advice on how to live a healthier, more natural lifestyle.
So if you’re ready to take your health into your own hands and explore the world of alternative medicine, don’t wait any longer! Listen to Alternative Medicine Therapies today and start your journey towards optimal wellness.
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Disclaimer: You should always consult with your physician before engaging in any alternative medicine therapy or taking any vitamin, supplement or herb.