Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom: Psychologist Parthenia Izzard CNHP & I. Ilibagiza

Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio Alternative Medicine Therapies Plus
Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio Alternative Medicine Therapies Plus
Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom: Psychologist Parthenia Izzard CNHP & I. Ilibagiza

Tonight, 6/8/2022 Host, Psychologist, and Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner Parthenia Izzard, is rebroadcasting a 9/9/2006 program, Immaculee Ilibagiza, author of, Left To Tell: Discovering God amidst the Rwandan holocaust. Email: https://conta.cc/3aGnVT7

New guests Tuesdays from the world of alternative medicine therapies [nutrition, meditation, yoga, energy medicine, acupressure, iridology], related products [organic teas, supplements, technology], and issues [aging, lifestyle changes, relationships, healthcare]. Sharing expertise and wisdom. Wednesdays and Thursdays are rebroadcasted programs and open discussions on hot topics. We lead you to a healthier way of life physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom: Psychologist Parthenia Izzard CNHP & Russ Whitney

Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio Alternative Medicine Therapies Plus
Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio Alternative Medicine Therapies Plus
Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom: Psychologist Parthenia Izzard CNHP & Russ Whitney

Tonight, 6/7/2022 Host, Psychologist, and Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner Parthenia Izzard, is rebroadcasting a 10/1/2013 program, Russ Whitney, author of, Inner Voice: Unlock your purpose and passion. Email: https://conta.cc/3aGnVT7

New guests Tuesdays from the world of alternative medicine therapies [nutrition, meditation, yoga, energy medicine, acupressure, iridology], related products [organic teas, supplements, technology], and issues [aging, lifestyle changes, relationships, healthcare]. Sharing expertise and wisdom. Wednesdays and Thursdays are rebroadcasted programs and open discussions on hot topics. We lead you to a healthier way of life physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom: Psychologist Parthenia Izzard CNHP & C. Baron-Reid

Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio Alternative Medicine Therapies Plus
Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom Radio Alternative Medicine Therapies Plus
Wellness, Wholeness & Wisdom: Psychologist Parthenia Izzard CNHP & C. Baron-Reid

Tonight, 6/2/2022Host, Psychologist, and Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner Parthenia Izzard, is rebroadcasting a 5/17/2008 program, Colette Baron-Reid, author of, Messages from Spirit: The extraordinary power of oracles, omens, and signs; and Remembering the Future:The path to recovering intuition[This interview was aired 10/11/2006]. Email: https://conta.cc/3wNCNGG

New guests Tuesdays from the world of alternative medicine therapies [nutrition, meditation, yoga, energy medicine, acupressure, iridology], related products [organic teas, supplements, technology], and issues [aging, lifestyle changes, relationships, healthcare]. Sharing expertise and wisdom. Wednesdays and Thursdays are rebroadcasted programs and open discussions on hot topics. We lead you to a healthier way of life physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Radio Program

Disclaimer: You should always consult with your physician before engaging in any alternative medicine therapy or taking any vitamin, supplement or herb.

Her desire is to provide services and disseminate information related to alternative medicine therapies to facilitate your wellness journey.